The Hurricane Book. Rose Metal Press. October 2023.
Bedroom Pop. dancing girl press. December 2021.
"Scott's Not Here." great weather for MEDIA anthology. Aug. 2021.
"Saint Anthony Couldn't Find Elizabeth Bishop's House." wildness. Issue 26. May 2021.
"Hurricane San Felipe II Made Grandpa an Agnostic." Radar Poetry. Issue 29. Feb. 2021.
"Black Plantains Aren't Necessarily Rotten." Anxiety Dream Zine. Vol. 2 Everything Is Falling Apart (Print). Oct. 2020.
Conversation with Sharon Dolin on her memoir, Hitchcock Blonde. Vesto PR. Jun. 2020
"émigré." Featured in New York Public Library's Poem in Your Pocket. April 2020
"The Man You Don't Understand Sings Himself To Sleep." Salt Hill Journal. Issue 43 (Print). Mar. 2020
Conversation with Amanda Michalopoulou on her novel in translation, God's Wife. Vesto PR. Dec. 2019
"A Home is a Circle." Ambit Magazine. Oct. 2019
“Short Shorts.” The Brooklyn Rail. June Issue (Print and Online). Jun. 2018
"24 Men and Half a Love Poem." Muse/A Journal. Jun. 2018
"Keepsakes." The Southampton Review. Summer/Fall 2018 Issue
“You Will Never Be Frank O’Hara.” TINGE Magazine. Issue 13. Dec. 2017
The Brooklyn Rail Fiction Anthology, Vol. 2 (Editorial). Rail Editions. Jun. 2013